Listening to Dutch Kills – Chance Ecologies sound walk
I am excited about this project in my neighborhood of Long Island City and to be a participating artist, animating the presence of oysters in Dutch Kills and in the estuary at large. Listening to Dutch Kills is a new public art project created by Chance Ecologies. This project is an immersive audio walk that guides participants around the waters of the Dutch Kills tributary of Newtown Creek. The walk was commissioned by the SWIM Coalition, and curated by Catherine Grau, Sarah Nelson Wright and Nathan Kensinger, and includes new audio works by Nate Dorr, Edrex Fontanilla, Rachel Stevens, and Moira Williams. Please join us at the launch event on Saturday, June 29th!
More details on the walk and the SWIM Coalition can be seen here:
And please RSVP for the launch event here, which includes an artists talk and picnic:…
Here is the view you will be facing during the oyster segment.